
fair housing: understanding sex and gender protections

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$ 99.00

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course description

this course will provide an overview of the fair housing protections with regards to sex and gender. a panel of experts will cover the difference between sex and gender and how they are protected (or not) through federal and state fair housing laws, as well as how these protections are put into practice, especially in terms of discrimination and hostile/coercive environments. additionally, this course will explore recent trends in multifamily and campus housing for addressing needs based on gender identity.

after attending this course, participants will be able to:

  • describe the difference between sex and gender protection
  • recognize how operations are impacted by sex and gender protections as provided by local, state, and federal fair housing laws
  • list some examples of discrimination and hostile and/or coercive environments protected under the law, as well as strategies to reduce exposure
  • identify best practices for addressing and accommodating the needs of residents as it relates to gender identity and sex discrimination in both conventional and by-the-bed leasing

review our course policies and procedures page for further information

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