government affairs digest - july 2020

govn affairs digest

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presidential candidate positions

with election season in full swing, understanding where the democratic and republican candidates stand on the issues is critical to the real estate industry and making an informed decision when casting your vote. below is a side-by-side summary of former vice president joe biden’s and president trump’s positions on issues impacting real estate.

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in-district meetings

with federal legislators returning to their home districts for august recess, and the 2020 election right around the corner, now is the perfect time to schedule an in-district meeting! during this time of uncertainty and as local economies begin to reopen, connecting with your elected representatives at all levels to make your voice heard is especially critical.

when asked to rate the effectiveness of advocacy techniques, congressional staff rate personal visits to washington, d.c., (83%) or district offices (81%), at the top of the list. legislators are more likely to support positions that their constituents feel strongly about, and there is no better way to communicate your issue than by having a face-to-face meeting.

check out the recording of “conducting successful meetings with your elected officials” for more information about setting up an in-district meeting.

how to complete the ppp loan forgiveness application form 3508ez

check out this explanation nar on how ppp recipients may be eligible for and apply for loan forgiveness if certain criteria are met

view the video

covid-19 legislative report & resources

reports includes legislation addressing covid that has been introduced at the state or federal level. please feel free to share the reports with your colleagues.

more covid-19 resources and information for property managers

affordable housing

biden-sanders joint task force calls for nmtc permanence, increased investment in affordable housing and renewable energy

national news

gop rolls out $1 trillion coronavirus relief package
commercial & residential – covid-19 aid

the looming “evictions tsunami” may never arrive, and that’s good news
residential – covid-19, evictions

small multifamily owners struggle with eviction moratorium as tenants face an uncertain future
residential – covid-19, landlord/tenant, evictions

san francisco extends commercial eviction moratorium as reopening is paused
commercial – covid-19, landlord/tenant, evictions

massachusetts superior court agrees to fast track eviction moratorium challenge, seeks friend-of-the-court (amicus curiae) briefs
residential – rent control, landlord/tenant

california state courts continue to issue pro-plaintiff decisions in website accessibility cases
commercial – web accessibility

rental payments decline nationwide as pandemic continues
residential – covid-19, landlord/tenant

bill introduced to revive section 1603 program for renewable energy tax credits
commercial & residential – renewable energy, taxes

the government affairs digest is distributed monthly to the irem executive committee, regional vice presidents, chapter presidents and chapter legislative chairs, legislative and public policy committee, and the federal housing advisory board. other irem members who would like to receive the newsletter may opt-in at any time.

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