government affairs digest - april 2021

govn affairs digest

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news from hq

housing provider insurance survey

irem is joining nlha, naa, nmhc, and nahma in asking our members to provide feedback on increasing insurance costs being seen by multifamily properties. members from these organizations have shared with us how they are facing skyrocketing increases in insurance costs even with significant increases in deductibles and exclusion of some types of risk. survey results may prove helpful in assisting irem and our colleague organizations demonstrate the scope and impact of the insurance cost increases on the multifamily community to federal policymakers.

if you have not already participated, please consider completing the survey.

take the survey

2021 irem® virtual chapter leadership retreat

april 28th 12:45pm central

cultivating longstanding relationships with state and local officials

federal and state legislative officials are more likely to support positions that their constituents feel strongly about, which is why it is important for members to engage with their legislators any way they can whether it is virtually, phone, email, text, etc. the dynamic session will provide an overview of irem’s tools and resources they can use to connect with elected officials. in addition, the irem hq team will offer valuable information on how to: identify your elected officials; schedule a meeting; conduct a successful meeting; and some do’s and don’ts when you are conducting your meeting.

register for the virtual chapter leadership retreat

irem signs on to four coalition letters in april

the irem government affairs team has been hard at work advocating for the real estate management industry.

in the month of april, we have sent a letters to:

  • state policy maker groups, urging them to quickly and fully allocate the funds made available by the american rescue plan
  • the house financial services committee, in support of federal incentives for investment in housing
  • the u.s. department of treasury, asking for updated guidance that help distribute the emergency rental assistance payments
  • the u.s. department of housing and urban development, department of agriculture, centers for disease control and prevention, and the department of treasury, outlining the importance of ending the eviction moratorium

read the letters

contact irem government affairs to present at your chapter meeting

the irem government affairs department would be happy to present at your next chapter event! over the past several months, the government affairs staff has presented at several chapter events, such as boston, arizona & san diego, addressing issues important to the industry including: covid relief; the cdc eviction moratorium, rental assistance and federal & state cannabis laws on commercial & multifamily properties.

affordable housing

hud allocates nearly $700 million for affordable housing

hud posts hcv landlord resources

national news

cdc releases updated eviction moratorium faqs
residential – eviction moratorium

cfpb rule clarifies tenants can hold debt collectors accountable for illegal evictions
residential – eviction moratorium

u.s. house passes safe banking act to give cannabis industry access to banking services
commercial – medicinal/recreational marijuana

nmhc rent payment tracker finds 79.8 percent of apartment households paid rent as of april 6
residential – landlord/tenant

court rules grocery store’s inaccessible website isn’t an ada violation
commercial – ada website accessibility

lessons from berlin’s rent control experiment
residential – rent control

ending 1031s hurts land conservation, farmers
commercial – taxes

the government affairs digest is distributed monthly to the irem executive committee, regional vice presidents, chapter presidents and chapter legislative chairs, legislative and public policy committee, and the federal housing advisory board. other irem members who would like to receive the newsletter may opt-in at any time.

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