todd g. buchholz

todd g. buchholz

todd g. buchholz

todd g. buchholz is an economist, historian, and financial markets expert who has served as a white house director of economic policy and managing director of the eminent tiger hedge fund, where he helped lead the macroeconomic team’s investments in global bonds and foreign exchange.  in the white house of president ghw bush, buchholz managed presidential briefings by the federal reserve chairman; coordinated decision-making in tax, energy, real estate, and banking; and composed decision memos for the president on trade, financial, maritime, and technology regulatory policy.

buchholz was the founding president of the g7 group and has served as a consultant to central banks throughout the world, including the bundesbank and bank of england, as well as investment banks such as goldman sachs, citigroup, and hsbc, where he managed a bond and foreign exchange portfolio. he has debated fiscal and monetary policy with nobel laureate joseph stiglitz, and distinguished officials such as austan goolsbee, alice rivlin, and roger altman.

harvard’s department of economics awarded buchholz the allyn young teaching prize, and he served as a fellow at cambridge university in 2009, where he presented a lecture series on macroeconomic policy.  buchholz holds advanced degrees in economics and law from cambridge university and harvard and was awarded the harry s truman scholarship. he was named “one of the top 21 speakers of the 21st century” by successful meetings magazine and has delivered keynote presentations at the u.k. parliament, the white house library, u.s. treasury, abu dhabi and mexico city stock exchanges, and a nationwide address for the korean broadcasting system.  

buchholz has contributed commentaries on finance, trade, and history to the new york times, wall street journal and washington post, and professional articles to the brookings institution’s policy matters, federal reserve bank of minneapolis, imf finance & development; journal of law & religion; review of economic conditions (italy), et al. 

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